So, I'm really not going to write a dozen blog posts, I'm just going to give you the highlights of my winter semester, be prepared for a long post, (hey, I’m not making you read this.)
I started off my semester by being able to drive down to Utah with Mitchell singing Phantom of the Opera to my hearts content and go to my first ever NBA game; The Portland Trailblazers vs the Utah Jazz.

I don’t want to mention who won.
But that's not the main reason why I went. I visited Orem so I could go to my first niece Kayla's baby blessing!

Isn't she absolutely precious?
Another great memory I had was when Jade and I went to the bathroom at church in the Snow building to primp ourselves, and we encounter a plant sitting on a toilet.

We called him Jasper! I walked in that building Sunday-Friday so I'd always try to find Jasper and say hello to him. You know, plants need love too!
Erik was over at our apartment a lot. I like to call him my son (to this very day) considering I was FHE Mom last semester, and he was in my FHE family. One night last semester I asked if I could put a clear coat of nail polish on his fingernails, and he surprisingly said yes!
Why I'm so surprised is because he hasn't let ANYONE paint his nails. Not his sister who is girly like myself, no one. Do I feel pretty special or what?
So this semester, I asked once again if I could paint his nails again. Amazingly enough, he said yes once again, but I was able to use a little color and glitter on his nails this time around! Heh heh heh…

He is SUCH a good sport, isn’t he?! =D
Now, as you all know that Idaho is known for its chilly days. I have the luxury of being able to walk in foot tall piles of snow and not be fazed by it whatsoever because of my boots.
By my apartment complex, there’s about a foot tall of snow that covers the entire area, except a trodden down path that is used as a shortcut. Once you get off the shortcut, you have to endure a natural made ice rink to go along your way.
I'm not going to lie, I relished each time I walked on that said area, because I never took the shortcut! I would always walk in the snow pile in a drunken-like manner so people would think, "What the heck was that person on when they were walking?"
But this time, walking on the snow was different. I wanted to see if I could stay on top of the snow, instead of sink right through.
I took my sweet sweet precious time. Step after step, I was able to walk on top of the snow pile without sinking through. After I got to the edge of the ice rink I threw my fist in the air and said, "I am Jesus!"
(For those who don’t get it, Jesus walks on water. Snow is water, therefore, I proclaimed I was Jesus.)
Pretty proud of myself, I walked onto the ice rink without much of a thought.
I slipped and fell to the ground instantaneously.
God has a sense of humor doesn't he?
Laundry: one of the worst chores in the world. Doing laundry up in college is even worse considering you have to pay for it, but this another reason why I loathe it.

For those who really don't know what that is because you never see what I wear, those are my socks and shirts that are dripping wet after being put in the dryer.
One night I was doing my laundry like how I always do my laundry. I used washer #6, yes, I remember. I get my clothes out of the dryer and I notice they're a little bit more wet than usual. I shrug it off because I had homework to do so I put them in dryer #2.
Forty five minutes later I get my clothes and I thought that someone had opened the dryer to see if it was available, and then never turned it on again.
I pressed the start button over and over again, but alas, the dryer cycle has been run. I wrung my clothes in the laundry room and water was seeping onto the floor.
I was completely livid.
It was ten minutes before curfew, so I couldn't put them in the dryer again, (not that I wanted to fork over another dollar in quarters) so I took them home, heavier than ever.
Oh, I was not pleased.
I sprawled everything out to dry in my room, hoping and praying that my clothes would dry before morning, considering I had washed every single pair of jeans and unmentionables in that one load of laundry,
My prayers weren't answered.
I went to the manager of the apartment complex, secretly hiding my fuming anger. She gave me a sympathetic look, and gave me an extra dollar to let me dry them again.
Apparently the washer was broken and they thanked me profusely for letting them know and John the repairman went to go fix washer #6 immediately so my story would not be repeated.
Round two of drying, it didn't work. I had to use my own quarters for the third time before my clothes got completely dry.
Normally I wouldn't really care about having some damp clothes, is that I was singing at devotional today and my ENTIRE all black ensemble was in the pile of dripping wet clothes.
I kid you not when I say Jade and I literally dried my outfit with a hair dryer right before I left.
I haven't used washer #6 since.
This story, all starts out with Henry. You may think that Henry is a boy, but in reality Henry is just a scooter that Jade and I decided to name. Oh how I love Henry!
It was a Friday night, and we’ve noticed that a scooter along our staircase that has been abandoned for far too long. Jade and I decided that hey, scooters need some love too, why not let Henry fulfill his purpose and bring great joy to college students such as ourselves?
But of course, we couldn’t start this epic Friday night out without the proper attire:

We rode to our hearts content!
We went left

We went right

We went everywhere!
We batmanned.

Well, sort of.

Stuff ourselves into dryers

We were on a sugar high from Jones Soda and mint Oreos, and laughed and laughed about photos that we had taken the entire night, probably pictures that only her and I appreciate.
You can say it was pretty much one of the best Fridays of the semester.
Am I boring you yet? Either way, I’m going to continue typing, (38,000 feet in the air at 461mph, no big deal).
Grant and I went to BYUI’s opera, Tartuffe to support our friends that were in the play. (Sam, if you’re reading this, you did amazing!) We enjoyed adding witty commentary, while reading the captions that were off to the side of the stage considering we really couldn’t understand what they were singing at times.
But afterwards, is when I became a little kid again. As some of you know, I have a very short attention span, so I don’t watch very many movies. Grant was appalled when he heard that I haven’t seen the newest Batman movie, so he suggested that we should go over to his apartment and wait for it- make a PILLOW FORT.
I haven’t made a pillow fort ever since I was a little kid! (Okay technically it was a blanket fort but you get the idea).

You see him? He’s the reason for another one of the best Fridays ever.
Now this tale, I will deny if you ask me about it in person. We were in the lounge during the Sunday morning session of General Conference. Afterwards, Jade, Kristin, and I all declared that we needed to take a shower still. The competitiveness in me wanted me to be the first person in the shower, so naturally I did.
I was home alone, pondering about life- the past, present, and future in the shower. Okay okay, in reality I was shaving and I was concentrating on not cutting myself.
Then all of a sudden, a shadow overcomes me on the other side of the curtain. Panicking, I peek behind the shower curtain to see what caused this drastic change.
I see a hooded figure, and without thinking I let out this most blood curling scream I’ve ever released in my entire life.
I hear laughter, familiar laughter. JADE. Apparently, Kristin gave Jade a penny to unlock the bathroom door, and she wanted to scare me for the third time this semester.
If I wasn’t already sitting down because of shaving, I would have literally slipped and fallen to the floor. I was so startled because I thought it was some stranger (because I thought I was alone) I started to tear up.
Everyone in the apartment heard my scream.
Now that I’m back on solid ground in California, I must wait till Fall to go back to college, and how I miss everyone so.
So… does anyone know who’s hiring in my area?