Wednesday, November 28, 2012

He Wants to be Your Knight in Shining Amour and Save You!

So, this tale is a sad one indeed. It all starts Thanksgiving break as I left my laptop charger back at my lovely Aunt Karen’s house.

I was using my laptop Saturday afternoon and alas, my low battery light comes on! Eh, no big deal, I’ll just get my charger from my suitcase. I look in the suitcase with all of my other chargers and it was not to be found. I check my laptop case to see if I put it in there.


I search through all of my belongings and turned my suitcase up side down that I took on the trip and my charger cannot be found.


I think back, and realize that my Uncle Daniel asked me, “Whose charger is this?” directing toward the laptop charger on the kitchen table. “Oh, it’s probably Stacie’s; she was sitting there last night.” Only if I had paid closer attention to that charger, none of this would have ever happened, since I was sitting right next to her.

Fast forward to Monday, which is one of my busiest days out of my entire week. I go to the library to use their computer for homework since the library isn’t open till 1am, the time I usually finish my homework back at home. I’m so determined to finish my math project before my Business Law class, I realize I’m going to be late if I don’t leave now. I hurriedly log off and rush to class, making it just in time.

Just about a few minutes later, I realize I left my flash drive in the computer that I was working on.


I think to myself, “Okay, don’t worry Emily, there’s a lost and found… They’ll probably give it to the library service desk.” As Aladdin once said as they were riding the magic carpet, “Abu, this is no time to panic!”

But I kept on thinking what was on that flash drive… My finished business portfolio that I still needed to make a power point presentation on (my laptop has the unfinished one), a D&C paper that I finished that’s due the next day, and my finished math project that took two hours to complete. I believe the line that Aladdin said was, “Start panicking!”

So naturally, I did.

I race towards the library after class was over, searching the area where I left my flash drive.

It was nowhere to be found.

I go to two desks asking if anyone turned in an angel flash drive.

No luck.

Defeated, I walked home with my dramatic music pretending I’m in a sad music video.

Someone (I don’t remember who, so if you want credit let me know) exclaims, “Hey, maybe he wants to be your knight in shining armor and save you! He’ll track you down personally because he saw the picture of you in your business portfolio. Then once he finds you, he’ll give it to you and then ask you out on a date!


So far, my knight in shining armour is nowhere to be found.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

You have to be a rebel at least ONCE in your life!

I'm going to rewind my life oh... at least a decade? (Sheesh, I feel so old by being able to say that)

Picture this... Going grocery shopping with your Mom. You see the long aisle of the delectable sugary cereals, and lo and behold! Your Mom lets you choose the cereal!

Seeing the commercials for Reeses Puffs or Cookie Crisp and how delicious you imagine them to be, you grab for the box.

Only to have your dreams shattered when you hear the words, "No, that isn't good for you, pick something else that isn't pure sugar."

My little heart broke in two when I couldn't have Reeses Puffs.

As most of you know, I'm now out of the house and I get the pleasure of shopping for myself.

I was shopping at Walmart a couple weeks ago with Kelsi, and I was admiring the selection of cereals that they had.

And then..

I saw the cereal that I wanted.

I look to my left...

I look to my right...

and I snatch that Reeses Puffs from the shelf and toss it into my basket, cackling maniacally inside of my head!

I felt like such a rebel, going against what my Mom told me so many years ago on how I shouldn't buy sugary cereals.

I wake up the next morning, eager to try my non-healthy, sugary cereal for the first time, imagining it to be just AMAZING.

Well, I was sure disappointed. It just tasted like a mixture of Cocoa Puffs and Peanut Butter Crunch.

Psh, I waited a decade for disappointment?!

I think I'll stick to my Honey Bunches of Oats with Cinnamon Clusters instead.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Heels Should Come With Warning Labels

I, Emily Sudweeks, have officially injured myself here at Rexburg... and it hasn't even legitimately snowed or gotten icy here yet. This winter is gonna be good. (When I say good, I mean out right terrible.)

I caution you, the picture at the end of the blog is NOT for the faint at heart! Then again, I'm just a wuss when it comes to injuries so it really may not be as bad as I believe.

But if it doesn't look bad, oh man, it FEELS bad.

I suppose I should start the story now eh?

First off, I must say, I am a PRO when it comes to heels. Half inch, two inch, four inch, you name it. I have them. Of course most of them are at home because I didn't want to bring two dozen pairs of shoes when I obviously won't be able to wear open toed shoes much longer.

I have worn heels ever since my parents let me choose out my own church shoes. The higher the heel the better, the bigger the bow the better.

I ran away from my parents in heels because I didn't want to leave church. I ran towards the car in heels after church dances from because I was freezing cold.

I've strutted in three inch stilettos (the same that caused me my doom) down a slippery runway for a fashion show a few years back and I didn't flinch at all.

I have never fallen down in heels... until today. My streak of poise and grace has vanished right before me.

Now imagine these shoes... Black three inch stilettos, peep toe, with a cute buckle in the front.

Those aren't so bad, I've had more deadly shoes. Higher and thinner.

Now Fred forgot something at my apartment so he figured he'd just walk me home from church. It's about approximately six or seven minutes walk to my apartment.

You know that saying, accidents happen approximately within fifteen miles away from your house. I know that's for car accidents, but klutzs like myself can have accidents too!

So he and I were walking home, talking about whatever was on our minds. I'm not sure what I was focusing on, but that little heel of mine slipped right between the crack..

and BOOM. Hello sidewalk! Meet my left knee and the palm of my hand! It's so nice to meet you.

Fred, being the gentleman he is, tried to help me up. But the sheer embarrassment of falling in heels you've owned for over four years hurts your pride a bit. So I shot up claiming I was fine and we continued walking, joking about it for mere moments.

As we neared our destination, I kept feeling blood drip down my knee so I tried to nonchalantly inspect my knee.


Oh man.

This doesn't look good.

I can promise you the picture looks much more vivid on my phone and in real life. I can honestly say that my entire kneecap is bruised, and it's going to take me MUCH longer to walk to class. It hurts like heck to walk up stairs, and I have the opportunity to walk up three flights of stairs just to get to one of my classes three times a week.

I'm crippled.

If anyone sees me on campus, I will happily accept a piggy back ride. xD

...Maybe this is a sign that I should buy a new pair of shoes.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

So this is a little embarrassing to admit but...

I kinda almost ate a leaf just now.

Now you're thinking, "Why on Earth Emily, would you almost eat a leaf? Leaves are on the ground or on trees. How could they possibly get into your mouth?"

Well, it all started off with my Mom sending me a coupon for a dollar off some chips. (Thanks Mom! I love you! <3)

I got me some tasty BBQ potato chips since that's what my stomach currently desired.

I have been finishing my homework for my math class on my bed while munching on the crunchy crisps. (That survey? Yeah, that homework.)

I notice that one of my broken chips fell onto the bed, and I thought, "Hey, 5 second rule doesn't apply here considering it only landed on my bed." as I picked up the chip and tossed it into my mouth.

I began to chew said chip, and realized that it tasted a bit more... flat, bland, and non chip-like at all.

I pull out my chip, and realize that it's an orange leaf.

Don't ask me how a leaf got onto my bed, I have no idea.

On the other hand, I met 'Stephen' while doing laundry tonight. (If you don't know what I'm talking about refer to my post.) I found out his name was Aaron, not Stephen.

Eh, close enough.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

"Hey I Don't Know You But Here's A Flower"

"Hey I just met you

and this is crazy

so here's a flower

talk to me maybe?"

Although that might have not been the first thing that I heard when I answered the door on Thursday night, it sure felt that way.

Here I was, finishing off a piece of bread, intently watching Chopped: Teen episode on Food Network. I was eager to focus my attention to the show considering my favorite part (the dessert round) was about to come on.

Then all of a sudden the doorbell rings. I yell, "Come in!" just as everyone else does in this apartment.


I get up, wondering if it's another kid selling deliciousness, like Sees candy bars. Just previously a kid was selling homemade cinnamon rolls for a dollar. Oh how they were glorious! Best dollar I spent.

But alas, it was not a kid selling Sees candy bars. It was two random guys and one of them had a flower in his hand. First thing I hear is, "Hey I don't know you but here's a flower."

...Okay... Where are they going with this?

We start talking about the usual stuff that everyone asks when you're in college. What's your name, what are you majoring in, what ward are you in, and all that jazz.

Sadly enough, I don't remember the first guy's name at all. I told him later on that he looks like a guy that I know named Stephen, so I'll just call him that. (Stephen, if you're reading this, oh hey! xD)

Then the second guys name was two first names, so I have a variety of guesses on what his actual name is. Luke Bryan? Bryan Luke? Mark Bryan? I want to say Luke Bryan, because apparently he's a country singer and it would be no big deal if I met "Luke Bryan". So I'll just go with that.

Turns out Stephen has randomly knocked on a girl's door from his ward and gave her a flower too, then she slammed the door in his face and she's ignored him ever since. I laughed and jokingly told them that if they're interesting enough I'd blog about all of this. They agreed and told me that I should blog how I met these two cool guys on a Thursday night.

Yeah.. not exactly.

It's not like I didn't mind talking to them, but there was a lot of awkward silences and they even admitted that they got the flower from a bush outside (which I knew considering I walk by them every day multiple times).

The entire conversation was just odd, and I kinda figured that they checked me out through the window and wanted to talk to me. They also gained creeper status because Stephen took a picture of me when I was talking mid-sentence.

Not. Cool.

After they left, they may have gained my name, where I live, my ward, and a picture of me... But they failed to leave with my number, and a desire for me to talk to them ever again.

But I was perturbed, because of them I didn't find out who won Chopped.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lame Pick Up Lines Do NOT Work

So I had the privilege to watch the 5 hour version of Pride and Prejudice with my amazing roommates Kelsi and Julia. We grabbed a pizza and some soda and headed over to the Lounge to watch it on the big screen instead of our laptop. Sadly enough, the tv in our apartment doesn't have a DVD hookup.

About an hour or so in, we noticed that there was this bug on the screen. Julia took it upon herself to get rid of the insect in the most obvious way possible...

She grabs a pillow that she was using, swipe it across the TV, (and in one fluid motion) throw it against the wall, turn 180 degrees, do a little jump, all while running away and jumping back on the couch. It was seriously the cutest and funniest thing ever.

About two hours in, a girl and a guy started to do their homework at the table, not bothering us whatsoever. I didn't really think much of it until the girl left thirty minutes later and the guy stuck around.

That, is where it all went downhill from there.

The guy singles me out by pointing at me and asks me my name. (Note: He never told me his name so I will proceed to call him Arnold from now on.)

I told him my name was Emily, and he then asked me, "Emily, do you have a band-aid? Since I hurt myself when I fell for you."

Me, only hearing the first half of his question, I idiotically said, "Uhm, in my apartment?" Then realizing when I spoke those last words I realized Arnold used one of the oldest pick up lines in the book. I seriously wanted to do a face palm and I was hoping he was joking.

Alas, he was not.

While Arnold was throwing more pick up lines at me such as, "What's your favorite temple? Because I'm looking at mine," or "Is your name virtue? Since you garnish my thoughts unceasingly." (The first thing you asked me was my name you imbecile, don't use that one! >.<) Julia jumped off of the couch and rolled over to where Kelsi was sitting so he couldn't see her. She mouthing the word, "No," to me over and over again, so I switched my answer to "maybeeee" to no.

But Arnold wasn't exactly giving it up. "Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?" escaped his mouth and I gave Julia and Kelsi multiple looks as he was literally looking up pick up lines from his phone.

He goes on and starts talking about a pick up line that involved marriage, which just freaks me out more. It went something along the lines of, "You know what I want? I want to be sitting down with my kids one day, and they'd ask me about my first love. I can tell them about how I saw this most magnificent, beautiful girl..." and I cut Arnold off since he lost his train of thought. I finished the pick up line saying, "and you'd point at me and say that's her," since I knew how it was going to end. I'm the master of pick up lines.

Then he started to make up this story on the spot and I was so flabbergasted I wasn't even paying attention to what Arnold was saying because I was trying to figure out how to get out of it. Thankfully, Julia read my mind, piped up, and said, "Should I pause the movie?" Only then got the hint and said, "No I'll leave," and left the lounge.

We paused the movie anyways.

Long story short, his uncanny behavior has been known to cause... distress in previous situations. Julia has learned this from past friend's experiences, so she thought it would be best if I learn from the girl's past experiences, and not have to learn myself.


Friday, August 3, 2012

"What exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"

Taking out the trash.

Just a simple chore a kid could do it.

Taking out the trash out to the curb is a bit more difficult.

Usually my Daddykins takes out the trash every Thursday, but it was my turn. My family has accidentally forgotten to take out the trash two weeks in a row because of our various vacations, so I really had to take it out tonight.

I think it’s going to take 5-10 minutes tops considering I had to take out both recyclables, trash, and greenery. So I slip into some boots and an oversized sweatshirt and head on out into the brisk air.

I know there’s supposed to be four, but I only saw three. I shrugged it off and get to the first recyclables- not so bad, not so bad. Onto the garbage, had to put a little more effort into it to get it over the curb since the dirt isn’t very compact. Then I see that our gardener nicely put our green garbage close to the curb so I didn’t have to push it far to the curb.

Then I see why.

As I attempt to push the garbage can to the curb, I feel my feet moving whilst the can stays right in place. The can is practically overflowing, and I can’t get it to budge. I get a bit of a running start and kick the bottom of the can and I make miniscule progress, then the edge of the curb halts whatever force of motion I had into completing this mission.

I try to lean the can back towards me so I can shove with all of my might over the curb and onto the street. But the farther I leaned, the more… drippage I got from the can. As most of you all know, my girliness comes out and I shriek in disgust and let go of the garbage can.

Bad move. Very, VERY bad move.

The garbage can slips and falls forwards onto the street horizontally, crashing and spewing leaves, dirt, and other greenery paraphilia everywhere. A car comes by to witness the scene so I scream and run toward the fence and hide behind the bushes until the coast is clear.

I walk back in disgust and try to jerk the can upright so I can move on my merry way back into the house. No luck. I try to get a good grip on my hands and a good tread on my feet and give another yank but with no avail.

I try to move it to on its side so the slight hill that the street is on will help me stand it straight. That made it even worse and created more spillage all over the street. Out of the corner of my eye, I see this ginormous bug running away from the pile of leaves. I yelp in repulsion and try to stay away from it as far as possible. Then for some strange reason I saw it was running in a straight line at a perfect pace down the slope. I looked closer and realized it was a perfect clump of… something rolling out of the trash. I laugh to myself and how silly I sounded, but it’s a plausible scenario that insects could very well be living in my garbage can. As I laughed to myself, I saw yet another car coming towards me, and I darted toward my fence and hid behind it just in case someone gave me a judging look for the mess in the street.

I walk back and look at my situation, admittedly enough I tried to take a picture of it so I could have a laugh and post it on here but alas, it was too dark. I make a few more attempts in pulling the can and kept on failing over and over again no matter how hard I tried. I scurried back and forth between the bushes and the curb as cars whizzed on by the embarrassing scene.

I admit to myself I don’t have the strength to pull it upright, so I wonder if I can push it upright. I get out on the street, and successfully push it upright! I do a little HALLELUAH in my head, before I realize leaves and dirt are getting all over me because more of it was still falling out. The girly part of me wants to let go in revulsion, but I know it’d just happen again if I let go, so I finally completed my mission.

…or so I thought.

I looked around me, and texted Orion if I had to clean up the mess around me or if I could just leave it. I sighed when I saw the simple ‘Yes’ on the screen. So, I marched off to find the shovel, and scooped up the remaining greenery off the street and into the green garbage.

And of course you know I ran away whenever a car came near.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"This kinda thing would NEVER happen to me."

This is the story of how I almost died.

So, I failed to mention where I now work.

You are looking at the blog of a person who works at -drum roll- Gilroy Gardens! Woot woot! It's pretty much an amusement park for little kids. But I can testify that it's great fun for 18 year olds because -cough- I was just there two or three weeks ago with a friend.

I got an interview Monday around 2:30 and I left juuuust a little bit late for my liking.

It didn't really help that I kept on getting every. single. red. light. imaginable.

But there was this one stop light that was different from the rest.

-cue dramatic music here-

As I was approaching this certain stop light, I noticed there was a train crossing. No big deal right? I slowly come to a stop, with the train tracks right in front of me.

I was bouncing in my seat, anxious to get to my interview on time when suddenly... I see a sports car speeding towards me in my lane with no desire to stop.

I slightly panic, but realize I have space in front of me, so I move forward to give the sports car more room to brake. As I predicted they would, they braked at the very last second. Pssh... sports cars.

Now in defense mode, I look to my left, with a sigh of relief as I see no trains coming towards me.

Look to my right, and I promise you the color from my face drained completely as I saw two headlights getting closer and closer to me as I gasped in unbelief.

"There's a train coming towards me. There's a train coming towards me? There's a TRAIN coming TOWARDS me!" was my thought process the entire time as I was right on the train tracks.

I nervously look back and forth between the red light and the train. It literally felt like the longest red light in the history of red lights.

I tried to inch up closer to the car in front of me to get out of the train's path, but with no luck. I was still in the direct path of the train.

I looked behind me to see if the sports car backed up to give me space, but he was tailgating me more than ever. But, of course he wasn't in the path of destruction, only I was.

I half heartedly chucked to myself thinking, "Oh in heaven, people are going to ask how I died. I'll get to tell them that I was going to an job interview, and I got hit by a train. Hah!"

I even started to wonder if the crossing gates were going to smash my car so I wouldn't be able to open my door. But considering I was paralyzed with fear, I wouldn't have been able to even if I thought of it. I kept on looking. Train. Stop light. Train. Stop light. Train. Stop light. I started praying harder than I ever had before to make it out of this car alive.

Before I almost started to hyperventilate, the stop light turned green. I have never been more happy to see a green light in my life. HALLELUJAH! I slammed on the accelerator as gently as I could onto my destination

I got to my interview exactly on time, and got the job right on the spot.

I NEVER plan on taking that route to Gilroy Gardens ever. again.

Although, I do have to cross another pair of train tracks on the new route to work...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Guess what, I'm not dead!

Crazy, I know right?

So I'm not entirely sure if I'll be doing the same style of blogging I did back in 2010 or 2011. I mean, the pictures were cool and all that jazz. But I'm now in college, more mature. -sophisticated pose-

Okay, maybe not so mature.

But the last year has been good. Have had a few break ups, some new relationships, it's all good in the not so hood. I finished my first year at community college with 34 credits behind me, and now I'm preparing myself to go to good ol' BYU Idaho. OH MAN.

(May I just say I am absolutely enthralled to be able to get show choir class where I'll participating in a 4 part women harmony? Music to my ears!)

Not to mention I've not gained one, but two jobs this summer.

(Although I plan on quitting my first job, besides gosh danggit, it whomps.)

I suppose I could share my near death experience while obtaining one of those jobs... But in reality, what would make you interested in coming back to read my blog tomorrow if I told you the exciting tale now?