Wednesday, November 28, 2012

He Wants to be Your Knight in Shining Amour and Save You!

So, this tale is a sad one indeed. It all starts Thanksgiving break as I left my laptop charger back at my lovely Aunt Karen’s house.

I was using my laptop Saturday afternoon and alas, my low battery light comes on! Eh, no big deal, I’ll just get my charger from my suitcase. I look in the suitcase with all of my other chargers and it was not to be found. I check my laptop case to see if I put it in there.


I search through all of my belongings and turned my suitcase up side down that I took on the trip and my charger cannot be found.


I think back, and realize that my Uncle Daniel asked me, “Whose charger is this?” directing toward the laptop charger on the kitchen table. “Oh, it’s probably Stacie’s; she was sitting there last night.” Only if I had paid closer attention to that charger, none of this would have ever happened, since I was sitting right next to her.

Fast forward to Monday, which is one of my busiest days out of my entire week. I go to the library to use their computer for homework since the library isn’t open till 1am, the time I usually finish my homework back at home. I’m so determined to finish my math project before my Business Law class, I realize I’m going to be late if I don’t leave now. I hurriedly log off and rush to class, making it just in time.

Just about a few minutes later, I realize I left my flash drive in the computer that I was working on.


I think to myself, “Okay, don’t worry Emily, there’s a lost and found… They’ll probably give it to the library service desk.” As Aladdin once said as they were riding the magic carpet, “Abu, this is no time to panic!”

But I kept on thinking what was on that flash drive… My finished business portfolio that I still needed to make a power point presentation on (my laptop has the unfinished one), a D&C paper that I finished that’s due the next day, and my finished math project that took two hours to complete. I believe the line that Aladdin said was, “Start panicking!”

So naturally, I did.

I race towards the library after class was over, searching the area where I left my flash drive.

It was nowhere to be found.

I go to two desks asking if anyone turned in an angel flash drive.

No luck.

Defeated, I walked home with my dramatic music pretending I’m in a sad music video.

Someone (I don’t remember who, so if you want credit let me know) exclaims, “Hey, maybe he wants to be your knight in shining armor and save you! He’ll track you down personally because he saw the picture of you in your business portfolio. Then once he finds you, he’ll give it to you and then ask you out on a date!


So far, my knight in shining armour is nowhere to be found.

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