Friday, October 4, 2013

He's Going to be a Charmer in the Future

A few days ago at work I encountered the most sweetest transaction I've done ever since I started working in May.

A little four(?) year old boy that was barely as tall as my register counter anxiously waited in my line, looking left and right repeatedly.

When he got to the front of the line, he reached to hand me two red roses. As I smiled and said thank you, he asked me if I could hurry since it was his Mom's birthday in two days and he didn't want her to know that he was buying these roses for her.

They were the cheapest roses in the store, 99 cents each, but they were half off. When I told him the total was $1.06; pure joy just beamed from his face since I could tell he couldn't read the sign sales all around him.

He rummaged through his pockets and pulled out a crumbled one dollar bill and a handful of pennies, thrilled that he had money left over.

I gave him his receipt and he asked me for a bag so his Mom doesn't know what he bought. I handed him his bag and he grinned as wide as he could, exclaiming thank you, and ran to his (7?) year old brother to show him what he bought.

Right before he and his family walked out of the store he gave a smile and a wave in my direction.

It was the most adorable thing ever.