Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hut 2, 3, 4!

Since it's the summer, I figured it was time to get into shape.

I don't want to be a house ridden couch potato!

After a few weeks I thought it was really boring just running forwards and backwards on the elliptical (running backwards is so painful too, WOO).

So I decide to go through my Mom's workout DVDs and videos.

I've felt ridiculous dancing to the beat while I do simple but embarrassing dance steps.

Yesterday I did Boot Camp Workout DVD.

Note to readers: If you fail to have weights, use remote controls
(Note: They are NOT effective at all)

Let's just say, everything BUT my arms are SO. SORE.

It hurts to laugh. Do you have ANY idea how much I laugh?

I accidentally kicked the elliptical while I was doing my roundhouse kicks.


I nearly punched the lamp AND the elliptical.


I think there should be a warning label at the beginning of the DVD...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"My biscuits are burning!"

So last night I was up late last night.

All of the windows were open.

All of the lights were out.

Except ONE.

I was on the internet and I smelled something burning.

I investigated outside.

I investigated the rest of the house.

I finally realize... something like this happened.

All of the bugs that were attracted to the light.

Some of them were dumb and ended in a crispy death ON the lightbulb.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

"You just lost the game."


(Now if this was a introduction in a talk you guys would say AHOLA! back.)

Yesterday I was able to go to a Stake Mutual Luau, and I must say...


Macy and I got food and we cut quite a few people...
Heh heh heh...

I mean, they weren't paying attention to the line so it was obvious that they didn't want to eat!

I noticed a certain male was there that I wish that wasn't...

(If you really want to know what I'm talking about just ask)

He was being a BIT of a creeper.

Good thing I had my trusty shades to hide underneath!

Then of COURSE when they announced a Hula Hoop Contest I became less discreet and jumped right up!

I could have gone for hours, most people don't know my skills I have.

Multiple people went down.

I yawned.

We had to move around.

I took off my shoes while hula hooping and started to do spins and walking around the 'stage'.

The last person besides me was just slooooowly moving.

Then I lost my balance for a second and people thought I was going to drop and everyone GASPED.

I regain my composure and people cheered.

Then I pretended to be a plane with my arms and soar... it was quite fun!

Finally the other girl stopped and I was able to show off my tricks!

Hula hoop from my waist to my neck.

My neck to my arm.

Back to my arm to my neck to my waist.

Waist to my knees.

Then my knees to my feet and I started to skip.

People cheered and I felt triumphant!

So much for going unnoticed and hope that this certain male doesn't talk to me!

Then we learned a hula dance and Angela, Anna, Kelsi, Macy, Stacie, and I started to do our own interpretations of the movements... (I'm guessing I'm forgetting a few people)

Sorry, but you just had to be there. xP

Then we got to choose different stations and most of us went to KARAOKE! ALRIGHT.

We sung N'Sync, Lady Gaga, Avril Lavigne, Glee, and others.

Let's say it rocked.




*drum roll*


No... Well, we did, but that's not worth drum rolling about!

*drum roll*

Watched a Fire Dancer perform and it was the coolest but scariest thing in my life!

Then again, I was in the first row and he got right in our faces.

(I was praying that his hands wouldn't get all sweaty and he would throw the two-sided fire baton into the audience and the mutual would end on a negative note, he didn't. HOORAY!)

Then, he asked if anybody wanted to take a picture of him and I was like YES PICTURE TIME!

I was the last picture takee with him, I felt special.

Note to self: Get that picture...

I'll post it if I ever get it.

Then Melissa, Anna, Merry, Dawn, and Marissa and I drove home in Sister Watts car.

Well, and that's just ANOTHER story...


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"Highlight of graduation: Being hit in the face with a cap."

This one is for you Heather:

I haven't blogged in a LONG time.

BUT it's the summertime so I might as well blog at 1am.

But just to let you all know....

I've graduated high school.