In seminary we were memorizing scripture mastery songs, which were quite catchy to familiar hymns.
We got in the car, excited since we got a hold of the CD with all of the songs.
Of course, the cool thing to do is to roll down our windows, turn the volume up so the windows shook, and start to sing along complete with dancing and head banging. [Even the driver partook, shhh.]
After we got out of the car, we started to sing and march, "And if youuu keep my commandments... and enduuuuure to the end,... you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of ALL the gifts of Gooooood. Doctrine and Covenants fourteen seeeeeeeevennn!"
Psh, and people say Mormons don't have fun.
I'm judging, yes, I'm judging. But it's a good kind of judgment. I'm glad you had so much fun!