Thursday, October 28, 2010

"There's an orange M&M on the floor, it looks delicious!"

I, Emily Sudweeks was stepping into the tub to take a shower.

I didn't look inside the tub when I stepped inside, which is quite out of the ordinary.

Little did I know that I had a little friend that wanted to take a shower with me.


But no, I did not scream like a little school girl. I did not jump. [Maybe just a little bit.]

I simply stepped out of the tub and grabbed Windex.

I drowned that spider with Windex, and washed it down the drain.

My bathtub oddly smells like Windex now.


1 comment:

  1. This explains the shouted "I am Woman" I heard last night. And here I thought you fixed the plumbing.....
